Hello real foodies who love butter, fermented veggies, liver (organ meats), bone broth, seaweed, eggs, coconut, and all those foods people consider gutsy! When I was thinking about blogging it was about 2 years ago. I just started reading blogs at that time, and I was fascinated that anyone could start a blog, though it took me a few years as you can see to get the courage, experience, and words to start one. I am not at all experienced with writing a blog, but I will try because i have a lot of good information and recipes in my head. I have a huge heart and I want to heal the world of their ailments and eating habits. So this is one way to start. The world needs people like us to show them how to eat real food agin. No processed food here please, or anywhere for that matter. But until that happens giving an example like a blog is one way to start spreading the word and healing our guts! I believe that nature gave us food for a reason, to nourish! When I was thinking of titles for my blog, not many names came into my head that were not already taken or similar. Then I started to think about the things real foodies do. Think about it…we eat bone broth, fish eggs, fat by the spoonful, liver, chicken feet and so many more foods most people would think of as gross, but I call it gutsy. It is gutsy to eat real food! Gutsy mean to do something with great passion while showing couage, and determination. I am a passionate real food person and i am sure many of you are too, and this is why I created this blog, so I can share all my gutsy creations and experiments with you. I experiment a lot with foods, actually my body is an experiment right now because everyday i am trying new things to heal it. I have a lot of work in progress with my body right now. I suffer from leaky gut, thyroid issues, adrenal fatigue and heavy metals. Because of this I am currently on the GAPS diet, so I will do a lot of GAPS recipies. ButIi don’t want this blog to be limited to recipies. I am a constant researcher, so anything new I learn I will share it with you. See you again soon!
stay Gutsy!