
Gutsy on GAPS (Paleo Parents guest post!)

Hey, Im guest posting at Paleo Parents!

Sorry Im such a busy bee, I promise to be back and posting yummy recipe super soon!

GAPS is the word these days!

Gear up and find out little more about my GAPS journey and my fail-proof steps to jump start GAPS!


Do you want a sneak peak into the guest post. Here you are!


Now what?

Well that is up to you to determine! If the GAPS diet sparks an interest in your gut, here is a timeline for you to follow to get you started (this can take people from a few days, to a few years, so go at your own pace!)

  1. Do a little more research. Once you think this is the right thing to do, buy the GAPS book, and the guidebook. Start storing recipes form blogs (like mine!), or look for GAPS e-books. There is a GAPS cookbook, but the best recipes are online because the diet is still so new.
  2. Find support! Ask family members to be on-board (it helps cut down the cooking jobs and work). Tell friends what you are going to undertake. Join the GAPS yahoo groups (GAPS diet & GAPS help). There are even GAPS practitioners if you need some extra help!
  3. Contact your local farmers and find food.Eatwild.com is a great…. read the rest here!

Read the rest here!


~Stay Gutsy, Caroline

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  1. I hope you are feeling better! Congrats on the guest post! I’m also guest posting there this month, thanks to you, because you suggested it on Skype 🙂

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