
The Gutsy GAPS Girl

Do you want to know a little bit more about the “Gutsy GAPS girl” (a.k.a. me)?

Today I am guest posting (again, sorry I did not know my guest posts would be scheduled back to back) at Pantry Paratus. Read all about it here.


Wilson and Chaya from Pantry Partaus are seriously some of the nicest people I have met! There site is so packed, with really helpful and fun kitchen gadgets that all real food kitchens should  have. I will also be featured in their podcast next week. I will keep you up to date when that will go live.

What am I talking about in my guest post over there?

You will learn..

1. Why I am Gutsy.

2. What I eat to heal.

3. What is the GAPS diet.

4. The GAPS newbie “tips and tricks”.

5. Why I love the GAPS diet!



~Stay Gutsy, Caroline

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  1. Love your spirit Caroline, so much so that today I decided to write about you on my blog, Alternavita called Gutsy, You Go Girl.

  2. Alycia says

    Hey, I’m Alycia and I’m 20 years old. I just came across your blog while looking up information on the GAPS diet. I’m really inspired by all the stories of people healing on GAPS and it makes me more motivated to try it! But at the same time, I feel kind of overwhelmed by all the information and how it can be very time-consuming, and I wonder how I could do it while attending university etc. But I know for sure that I have a leaky gut that is contributing to some health issues. Anyways just wanted to say hi 🙂 Oh and I can totally relate to what you said about having the guts to be different! Sometimes it’s hard always being the odd one out, but it gets easier and I know it’s worth it. 🙂

  3. Congratulations on getting featured at Paratus Pantry! Your post was great! Your cheerful spirit just shines in your writing!

  4. What you have overcome and how you are helping to spread the word is inspiring. Your smile and your spirit is contagious, couldn’t help myself!

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