Finally a GAPS chocolate chip. Though I like to call them chocolate drops 🙂
Remember in the GAPS chocolate vanilla cookies there were those yummy chocolate drops..and the were GAPS friendly? Well, hopefully I didn’t keep you waiting too long….but it was totally worth it! Honestly I usually just make recipes up and a lot of times I forget to write them down, so I have to remake them and write down the measurements. I am getting better at this, but I had to recreate this recipe for you. Don’t worry it turned out the same. Actually my sister says they are better than before!
GAPS chocolate drops!
I cannot eat chocolate yet, but my family can and I wanted to make sure we had GAPS friendly chocolate chips around so they would not have to “cheat” on store-bought dark chocolate that has sugar in it. (If you don’t know by now, even though I cannot eat everything I make, I love to cook GAPS/traditional food for my family. They are my testers and i am very thankful for their taste buds!)
Is your chocolate craving really magnesium?
This chocolate can also be used as a spread for whatever you want: banana’s, crepes, pancakes, or even stir a little in some coconut milk! When I made these GAPS chocolate drops I wanted to give the body what it is really asking for when you want chocolate. Your body is really craving magnesium! So why don’t you satisfy your chocolate cravings and your body cravings at the same time?
I don’t like the name magnesium chocolate, but you can sure call it that if you want to. I don’t have cocoa butter , but I always have coconut oil around, and I am sure many of you are also that way. I have to warn you these do melt fast, so when you put these in recipes stir them in at the last-minute or place directly on top of pancakes/cookies so they don’t melt and turn he batter brown! I will give you step by step interactions to make it an easy little task!
Have fun!
3 oz Baker’s Unsweetened Chocolate
2 tsp vanilla extract or 1 vanilla bean
1/8 tsp sea salt or 4 ml (4 full squirts) Mega-Mag Liquid
1/2 – 3/4 cup raw honey (depends on how sweet you like it –just taste test it!)
1/2 cup Raw Coconut Oil
1. Melt your chocolate in a double boiler (or make your own and put a heat proof bowl over boiling water)
2. Let your chocolate cool a little (you don’t want to kill the good raw enzymes of the coconut oil and honey!)
3. Stir in your coconut oil, honey, vanilla, magnesium/salt
4. Your mixture will be very liquidy. You want the constancy just right. It needs to resemble peanut butter/Nutella. Either put it in the fridge for 1-3 hours (keep checking it because you don’t want it to turn solid!) Or you could leave it in a dark cool cabinet for many hours until it solidifies a little. (This is what I do because I like to forget about it and do something while I am waiting)
5. To Prepare your cookie sheet, line it with Unbleached Parchment Paper. Freeze your cookie sheet to keep it cold (this helps hold the shape of the chocolate point)
6. Once your chocolate mix resembles Nutella/peanut butter constancy, spoon it into a plastic bag ( I roll my plastic bag over a cup to make it easier to spoon into). See how the chocolate consistent changed from step 4 to step 6?
7. Cut off a very little corner off the tip of the plastic bag and pipe little chocolate chips. Since the consistency is stable you will be able to create the little point at the top! If it is too liquidy then they will end up like flat drops (The picture below was my first batch–I was a little impatient and did not let it set enough so they are flat–woops!) You have to work quickly or pipe small batches at once so they don’t melt on the tray too!
8. Return the cookie sheet to the freezer until hard (this is a very short time)
9. Scrape off the chocolate chips into a container and put directly in the freezer.
10. Repeat until chocolate mix is gone!
12. Store the GAPS chocolate drops in the freezer until you use them.
13. ENJOY!
~Stay Gutsy, Caroline Lunger

Hi Caroline. I like your blog. I discovered this post about chocolate drops on The Healthy Home Economist’s Monday Mania. I am very interested in making this. Thanks for posting. I have a question about the ingredients. You mentioned that a chocolate craving might be a signal that your body needs magnesium (I have heard this recently a few times). Your ingredient list says to use sea salt OR the mega mag liquid. I am assuming you can use one or the other? And if you don’t use the mega mag liquid, does the sea salt provide any magnesium? Thanks!
Magnesium is MUCH more concentrated when you get it in the liquid form. I found that Celtic sea salt has more magnesium than other sea salts because of the way it is processed. If you add both it might be a little salty because magnesium drops have a salty/mineral taste. My sister started supplementing with magnesium with the liquid and through her skin with magnesium oil( LOVE!!!) and now she doesn’t like it when i put it in the chocolate so her body is telling her that she has better levels in her body. Hope this helps
Mineral French Celtic Mexican Boiled
Magnesium 1.00% 0.1%
Fantastic! Thanks for this further explanation.
Love that magnesium oil … Love chocolate too 🙂 Thanks for sharing this with us at Scratch Cookin’ Tuesday!
Yeah! thanks for hosting the blog link
Amazing! You are great!!
thank you for reading!
Hi Caroline, 🙂 Thanks for joining us this week on Wildcrafting Wednesday! 🙂
You welcome 🙂 I always love to
This is great! I need to do this with Carob since carob chips are so hard to find. We’d love it if you’d share this at our Home is Where the Heart is!
and any other posts you’d like to share that have to do with homesteading and homemaking!
Thanks! you could always just use carob powder and coconut oil!
Those look yummy!
They are good for you too!
I’m pretty lazy so I think I’ll just pour the liquid chocolate out onto parchment in a baking sheet, freeze and then chop to make chocolate chunks! I think they will be great in homemade ice cream too! Anyone try this yet?
Hey Heather! You are so creative, LOVE your way of thinking! I will have to try this too 🙂
Hi Thanks for the recipe. Do they stay together when baked in cookies or melt allover and drop off the cookie onto the sheet? I tried cutting cocoa butter into chunks and putting it in cookies and it didn;t stay together like chocolate chips do so made a big mess.
Isabelle, Yes the ones I make with coconut oil do get melty but like you saw in the picture, they turn more like a “chocolate vanilla cookie” because they melt. I am sorry to hear your didn’t work out with the cocoa butter,I was going to try that too but now i will be prepared!
Here’s a great recipe with coconut butter that holds it’s form…
I think I’m going to use your recipe here like your berry delights, a way to pop some coconut nutrition down the ole pie hole. 😉 Thanks!!
(and thanks to the lady who suggested pouring on parchment, that’s my speed)
oops, sorry, just realized you’re not the one with the berry delights
I know this comment is super old, but I recently discovered that if you bake your cookies without the chocolate chips, you can press your homemade chocolate chips into the cookies as soon as you pull them out. They will melt a little bit around the edges but will solidify and turn out nicely!
How do u know when you are ready for chocolate??
Hi Hope, I just saw your e-mail (i will respond soon), I am so proud of you for doing GAPS so young. Try to muscle test it or put a little on your wrist. You will know because your body will show you bad signs like eczema or a tummy ache
I think you might be a genius, thanks for this post.
Thanks Julie, I am glad I could help 🙂
Did you contact them to see what is in Bakers Unsweetened Chocolate? Often these have soy lecithin and sometimes are contaminated with wheat. The Bakers one doesn’t appear to have wheat but it does have soy lecithin according to this. Why not add raw cocoa powder and juggle the other ingredients a bit to compensate. I make chocolate with pure cocoa butter and add other things to it. These all seem to need to be kept frozen though because they don’t have the binders to keep them from melting and going to mush but they taste awesome!
Thanks Margo, I use the unsweetened kind which says BAKER’S, UNSWEETENED CHOCOLATED BAKING BAR
INGREDIENTS: Chocolate. I will change it to have cocoa powder as an option, I tried it today and it worked!
Googled it and same brand, same kind lists soy lecithin.
really? The one with soy has sugar in it. The one I am using has NO sugar, just the ingredients above. where did you find that info?
Hi Caroline!
I made these the other day. Ok, I didn’t make them into drops, but I did break it up into pieces. My kids LOVE it (I’m with them). My husband is more picky, he was surprised by the coconut flavor of the chocolate. 🙂 I told him I’d try again with some flavorless coconut oil. Don’t know if he’ll like it, he is a little more picky when it comes to some things.
Thanks for the recipe! Love it!
hi! I am so glad you like them. Yes breaking it up like that is easier and just as yummy! I have tried with expeller and it is still great! My dad and brother are coconut detectives too!
I made these using organic cocoa powder and they turned out great! The drops weren’t as pretty as yours and were a little “gooey”, but they taste yummy! Thank you for the recipe!
I tried this before, but the honey all fell to the bottom. I didn’t let it cool, maybe that’s the key. Thanks! Can you bake with them?
They melt when baking 🙁 but I do in my vanilla chocolate cookies
I love your recipes!. can you make a natural sugar free version of butterscotch chips for cookies/bake goods?.
Kelly, that is a good idea! I will add it to my list
Thank you for your story! This is amazing. WE are trying to heal my daughter and son through GAPS right now. God has blessed you and you are truly an amazing person. A lot more energy than me and I LOVE your recipes. Thank you for your hard work and story.
Thank you! I hope your kids too will heal quickly 🙂
I was under the impression chocolate wasn’t GAPS friendly. I though only a special cocoa butter was approved. I’m skeptically hopeful, but wanted to ask before trying myself. Are you sure chocolate is GAPS friendly? I haven’t been able to find the cocoa butter so I’ve been without chocolate for 6 months. 🙂
Julie, it is ok on Full GAPS, read this article
Absolute brilliance, I love your creativity 🙂
🙂 thanks
Hey these look amazing!
Can I use butter or ghee instead of coconut oil?